Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sony: Android Wear

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Sony: the door to Android Wear is not closed

In an interview posted earlier today, Sony Mobile US president Ravi Nookala mentioned that the companywould not use Android Wear for its lineup of wearables because it had invested considerable time and resources in its own smartwatch platform. However, this doesn’t mean Sony is anti-Android Wear.

The company took to Twitter to clarify that “the door is definitely not closed to Android Wear.” But these are “early days” for Google’s new platform, thus, for now, Sony is concentrating on its SmartWatch 2 (pictured above) and SmartBand. So we could still see Sony-made gear using Android Wear, but not in the near future. 

Meanwhile:he first smartwatch based on Android Wear will be released by LG next quarter under the name of LG G Watch. It will be followed by Motorola’s Moto 360 later this year. HTC, Samsung and Asus have also confirmed their commitment to the new platform. 

Just like it happened with Android for smartphones and tablets, we’re assuming that most major hardware makers will join the Android Wear bandwagon eventually.

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