Thursday, March 24, 2016

Google's answer to Periscope is YouTube Connect?

Google's answer to Periscope is YouTube Connect?

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Live personal streaming was arguably the biggest thing to come from social media last year. Apps like Meerkat and Periscope turned anyone into a video streaming star. And if you have a bit of an ego, like the CEO of a certain carrier, your whole day can be on Periscope as followers get to watch you handle even the most mundane task.

Meerkat was pretty much crushed by Twitter owned Periscope. With the latter, your streaming feed can be watched on Twitter by your followers, or shown in private to people you select. Those with the Periscope app can watch replays of interesting videos on demand. While Meerkat is in the process of reinventing itself, a big company is rumored to be prepping an app that will be a competitor to Periscope.

A report published today says that Google is working on YouTube Connect, a live streaming app that will challenge both Periscope and Facebook Live. You should be able to log in using your Google or YouTube account, and quickly start live streaming. A news feed allows you to track the latest videos from your friends or from accounts you follow. Live streams can be watched from the YouTube Connect app, and from YouTube.

YouTube already has live streaming capabilities from its Creator Studio feature, but it is not competitive. And that is why YouTube Complete is reportedly in the works. While there is no specific launch date, there is some talk that YouTube Connect will be out around the time that Google I/O begins this year. The developer conference runs from May 18th to May 20th.

Thanks for the tip!

source: VentureBeat

Monday, March 14, 2016

Take $100 off both Core i5 powered Surface Pro 4 models via the Microsoft Store

Take $100 off both Core i5 powered Surface Pro 4 models via the Microsoft Store

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Take $100 off both Core i5 powered Surface Pro 4 models via the Microsoft Store

Looking to pick up the Surface Pro 4 tablet at a discount? Then you should check out the Microsoft Store which is running a sale on certain models of the device. From now until March 26th, you can save $100 on the versions of the Surface Pro 4 that feature the Intel Core i5 processor under the hood. There are two such models.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

 Poll results: Is a 5.9-inch Nexus X (aka Nexus 6 'Shamu') too big for you?

Poll results: Is a 5.9-inch Nexus X (aka Nexus 6 'Shamu') too big for you?

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With leaks all over the place about a new, 5.9-inch Nexus X smartphone (a phone also referred to as the Nexus S, or under its Motorola ‘Shamu’ codename), it seems that Google’s next Nexus is almost certainly going to be a phablet. And not just any phablet - at such a display size, it will be one of the largest phablets out there. It will be huge.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Google Now Launcher available for all devices running Android 4.1+

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The Google Now Launcher began life on the Nexus 5 when it was released this past Halloween. It expanded to other Nexus and Google Play edition devices in February (although plenty of you probably sideloaded it). Today, the app has expanded once again, and can now be installed on any Android devices running Jelly Bean or higher. There are no feature updates to the app, but it is still one of the better alternative launchers for Android if you want the stock experience. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

 Rumored Android version of iBeacon to be called "Nearby"

Rumored Android version of iBeacon to be called "Nearby"

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  As many of you know, Apple's iBeacon is a system that allows targeted messages to be sent to iDevices based on the location of the device's user. For example, someone in a supermarket looking at the frozen food section, could receive a coupon for Swanson's frozen turkey dinner delivered over his iPhone. At the same time, another shopper in the soup aisle might be receiving a coupon for Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup. The low power Bluetooth LE helps make this a reality.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Google Play Store now accepts PayPal in 12 countries, expands most payment options

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There had been rumors about Google adding PayPal payment support to the Play Store, and today it has become a reality for certain regions, including the US. Even better, Google has expanded carrier payment integration to a number of new countries and also expanded where Google Play gift cards are

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

 Google Play Store now selling the Snap Case for your Nexus 5

Google Play Store now selling the Snap Case for your Nexus 5

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Looking for a new case to protect your precious Nexus 5 from drops? The Google Play Store is now selling the Snap Case for the devoted owner of the stock Android handset. We're talking about a plastic case with a matte finish. The Snap Case for the Nexus 5 comes in black, white, silver and aqua. There is also a clear, glossy version for the Nexus 5 owner who wants the world to know that inside the case, is a Nexus 5.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

 قوقل تطرح تحديث جديد لتطبيق الكاميرا يسمح لك بألتقاط صورة أثناء تصوير فيديو

قوقل تطرح تحديث جديد لتطبيق الكاميرا يسمح لك بألتقاط صورة أثناء تصوير فيديو

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قوقل قامت بتحديث ضخم وكبير لتطبيق الكاميرا الخاص بها منها أعادة تصميم واجهة الكاميرا ولكن قوقل لم تكتفي بذلك حيث قامت الشركة بأصدار تحديث للتطبيق من شأنه أن يسمح لك بتصوير أثناء تصوير الفيديو.التحديث متوفر الآن من خلال متجر Google Play.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

 Update to YouTube brings improved video and YouTube Mix automatic playlist for music videos

Update to YouTube brings improved video and YouTube Mix automatic playlist for music videos

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 The Android version of YouTube has been updated to include a few new features. While Google has reportedly delayed a streaming music service until later this year when it is more polished, YouTube Mix is part of the new update. This feature automatically produces a list of music videos available for a particular artist. Most of the videos for well-known acts are coming from Vevo. You can share and like others' playlists. Your liked and personal playlists will show up in the left-hand guide drawer.
 IE11 on Windows Phone 8.1 allows users to watch videos on the mobile YouTube site

IE11 on Windows Phone 8.1 allows users to watch videos on the mobile YouTube site

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 YouTube and Windows Phone have a history like, well, the Hatfields and McCoys. Every time Microsoft has tried to add a YouTube client for the platform, along came Google to block it. And while the Windows Phone Store is loaded with third party YouTube players, there is some good news on the YouTube front, thanks to the update to Windows Phone 8.1.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

 Google and Samsung and Apple

Google and Samsung and Apple

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An attorney for Google testified in court that it would take over the defense against some of Apple’s claims in the patent lawsuit between Apple and Samsung. The move is part of a contractual agreement between Google and Samsung, where the former would indemnify the latter should Samsung suffer a loss as a result of whatever the ruling ends up being.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

 Google Nexus Twitter account

Google Nexus Twitter account

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It seems like every day we see more and more evidence which is adding up to what could be the most significant redesign of Android since Ice Cream Sandwich. That's not to say that the redesign will be as big a shift, but it does look like a given that a redesign is coming, especially now that the official Google Nexus Twitter account has gotten into the leaking.
Nest  soon on Google Play

Nest soon on Google Play

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Google recently agreed to spend $3.2 billion to purchase Nest and hire the quality designers and engineers of the company. The acquisition hasn't yet been approved, but the idea is that Nest will be taking over as Google's in-house hardware division once the sale of Motorola to Lenovo goes through. Presumably, that means Nest Android devices at some point, but right now the company still only makes a thermostat and smoke detector.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

 Winner of OnePlus One

Winner of OnePlus One

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Posted: 19 Apr 2014, 22:36, by Alan F.
Easy come, easy go? One of our loyal readers had apparently won a free OnePlus One handset upon its launch this coming Wednesday. But mere days later, he was stripped of the prize. The story stars with a contest being run by OnePlus. The company was giving away an official mug to the person writing post number 50, and every 50th post after that. A free OnePlus One was promised to those writing posts 5,001, 10,000, and 50,000. And this is where our reader comes in.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

شركات الهاتف تتبنى تقنيات لحماية الهاتف من السرقة

شركات الهاتف تتبنى تقنيات لحماية الهاتف من السرقة

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بدأ من العام 2015  وتحديدا في شهر يوليو كافة الهواتف المحمولة من سامسونج وأبل و HTC ومايكروسوفت وقوقل و واوي و نوكيا وموتورولا وكافة شركات الأتصالات سيستخدمون تقنية عالية لمالك الهاتف المحمول الذكيّ من التحكم بهاتقه ومسح كافة المعلومات بحيث لاتصل إلى اللصّ وستكون هذه التقنية أو الخاصية متواجدة بشكل أساسي ومفعلة بشكل تلقائي وليست خيارية


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Google Glass update XE16 (aka KitKat) now rolling out

Google Glass update XE16 (aka KitKat) now rolling out

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Just yesterday, Google announced that "later this week" the update that would bring Google Glass to Android 4.4 KitKat would begin rolling out. While that statement was literally correct, one would tend to assume that said update wouldn't start rolling out one day after such an announcement. But, that is exactly what is happening right now.