Tuesday, April 5, 2016

 Survey: Most smartphone users aren't pleased with their wireless carrier and are ready to switch

Survey: Most smartphone users aren't pleased with their wireless carrier and are ready to switch

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According to a survey conducted by Accenture, the majority of smartphone users are not pleased with their wireless carrier, and are ready to switch. A few years ago, consumers didn't know what they should expect from a wireless provider. But with the number of global consumers sporting a smart device rising from 26% in 2012 to 80% currently, most consumers now know exactly what they should be getting from a wireless carrier. As a result, the survey shows that 60% of those surveyed are not happy "with their connectivity," and are ready to switch.

Other results of the survey reveal that 62% have concerns about the security of their financial transactions. Not surprisingly, a whopping 83% are not happy about ads ruining their mobile experience. It seems hard to believe, but only 47% are concerned with privacy and security on their wireless device.

With smartphone sales growth expected to register a figure under double digits this year, the survey revealed that in 2015 only 13% were planning on buying a new smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC over the coming 12 months. That was a 60% decline from the 33% that were planning on making such a purchase during 2015. 41% of those buying a new phone this year are doing so in order to snag the "newest and most innovative features."

Here is the challenge for carriers in the years ahead. 71% of those surveyed said that they would pay a carrier higher rates for better connectivity. Some might argue that this is Verizon's business plan in the U.S. This shows why Verizon continues to grow despite being one of the costliest wireless providers in the states (if not THE highest priced carrier). And 83% stated that they would buy more products and services from carriers if they could speed up the pace of problem resolution.

Other results of the survey show that 81% are watching online movies, and 69% are playing online games. And Good news for Apple, Samsung, Google and LG. 50% are already using a mobile payment service.

Accenture survey reveals that the majority of consumers are ready to switch to another mobile operator






source: Accenture

Monday, March 14, 2016

 Spotlight: there's (almost) no text that Universal Copy for Android won't let you copy

Spotlight: there's (almost) no text that Universal Copy for Android won't let you copy

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For all its robustness and feature richness, Android (and iOS, frankly) is full of little things that just don't work as seamlessly as you expect them to. And more often than not, these things get in the way of an otherwise leisury user experience and end up quite frustrating. Here's a common case – say you're trying to copy and paste a piece of text or other content from some application, but you can't because the app won't let you do that for some reason. And you won't go on busting your fingers retyping all that information, will you now? It's 2016, it has to be better than that!
Spotify stops support for Windows Phone app

Spotify stops support for Windows Phone app

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The update that Spotify sent out for its Windows Phone app in February 2015 will be that app's final update. The music streamer has decided that it no longer is worth it to add the newest features for the small number of Windows Phone users. Yes, that hardy bunch will still have access to the app, but it will continue to fall behind the capabilities of the iOS and Android versions of Spotify.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Welcome to the 1 billion users club, WhatsApp!

Welcome to the 1 billion users club, WhatsApp!

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WhatsApp is now used by more than a billion monthly active users. Yes, that's not a typo, a billion with a "b", 1 followed by 9 zeros. 1 BILLION USERS. Let that sink in.

The news got broken out in an official post on WhatsApp's blog. This is undoubtedly a grand milestone for the messaging platform, which has been one of the most popular services of the type ever since its inception. It joins the ranks of other apps and platforms that already have over a billion users, like Facebook and Gmail.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

WhatsApp: Over 500,000,000 served

WhatsApp: Over 500,000,000 served

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What do you do when you run the world’s most popular instant messaging service? Fix “a lot of bugs” is one thing you can do, not that WhatsApp is ridden with problems, but the company did just surpass its 500 millionth active monthly user mark yesterday.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014