Monday, May 5, 2014

Victim uses "Find My iPhone" to confront thief; did she get her phone back?

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Imagine waking up on a Sunday morning, unable to find your Apple iPhone. Yeah, you might have downed a few too many drinks the night before, and your roommate's phone is also missing. But it doesn't explain why "Find My iPhone" shows your handset at a location 30 miles away from your apartment. This is the situation that Sarah Maguire found herself in. 

What would you do? San Francisco D.A.George Gascón, who has been a strong proponent of adding a kill switch to smartphones, says that some have tracked down their stolen iPhone and have successfully retrieved it, while others ended up getting hurt. An off-duty officer and his son chased down the thief who stole the son's iPhone, but he had back-up with him. Another victim, Nadav Nirenberg, found that messages were being sent from a romance chatline by someone using his stolen iPhone. So he pretended to be a female named Jenifer, made a date with the thief, confronted him and got his handset back.

"This is a new phenomenon — it’s not simply running after the person to grab the phone. It opens up the opportunity for people to take the law into their own hands, and they can get themselves into really deep water if they go to a location where they shouldn’t go. Some have been successful,” Mr. Gascón said. Others have gotten hurt."-George Gascón, San Francisco district attorney
So what did Sarah Maguire do? She first called the cops who told her to approach the location where her phone was located, and to call 911 if she felt threatened. After mulling the situation over in her mind for hours, and investigating the type of neighborhood she was heading into (a quiet residential area) she decided to to make the trip. 

When she arrived, she knocked on the door and confronted a 30-year old man. After Maguire asked for the return of her phone, she explained how a GPS signal led her to his house. He went back inside and returned with the phone. After some more accusatory talk, he went back in to his house and returned with the phone belonging to Maguire's roommate. Still a little fearful, she ran back to her parked car and drove away.

Again, we ask you, what would you have done?

source: NYTimes

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