A video, and some pictures taken at an electronics fair in Hong Kong, show off a mock up of the Apple iPhone 6. Although what we are looking at is nothing more than a slab of metal, we can see the outline of the larger screen and the rounded corners. The early buzz is that the next iteration of the iPhone will take its design cues from the Apple iPad Air, and the Apple iPad mini with Retina display. Earlier, there was speculation that the phone would be just 6mm thick and named the Apple iPhone Air.
Since the Apple iPhone 6 will be a cottage industry unto itself, the case manufacturers who get their product out first have a huge head start. That requires these manufacturers to either take expensive guesses, obtain reliable information from well-placed sources, or just wait for the phone to be unveiled. Since the last is not an option, and the first is too risky financially, the mock up could be presenting a realistic look at the size of the iPhone 6 screen and the device itself.
We have a video of the mock up along with various photos for you to view in the slideshow below.
Apple iPhone 6 mock up
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