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Zauba is an Indian website that tracks imports and exports into the country. Occasionally, we have seen unannounced handsets get imported into India for testing. And that is exactly what happened this weekend with a trio of Samsung handsets. On April 5th, the SM-C115L, the SM-Z9005 and the SM-W350F all were shipped into India for R&D (not R&R).
Some of the model numbers are known to us. For example, earlier today we told you about the Samsung SM-W350F, which was spotted in a UAProf on the Samsung website. This is believed to be a new WindowsPhone 8.1 model with a 480 x 800 WVGA display. Two units were shipped into India, with a value of 15,592 INR each ($259 USD).
The Samsung SM-Z9005 is a Tizen powered handset with resolution of 720 x 1280, and the Samsung SM-C115L is believed to be a variant of the camera-centric Samsung Galaxy S5 Zoom. 12 units of the latter were shipped into India, with a value of 28,065 INR for each unit ($468 USD).
A trio of unannounced Samsung handsets were shipped into India