When HTC announced its new One M8 in late February, the company unveiled only three color versions of the handset: gunmetal gray, glacial silver, and amber gold. Now, according to @evleaks, HTC is getting ready to introduce a “glamour red” One M8. Reportedly, the red M8 is headed to Verizon in the US. It’s not clear if the new handset will be a Verizon-exclusive variant, but we guess we’ll find out more about this pretty soon. There aren’t any photos to show this alleged red One M8, although we imagine it won’t look too different from last year's red HTC One.
At the moment, the new HTC One M8 is widely available in the US and around the world. However, finding it in all three color versions depends on exactly were you’re buying it from. You can check out our HTC One M8 review for a detailed look at the smartphone.Earlierthis week, we saw what appeared to be a red version of the unannounced HTC One M8 Ace - which is supposed to be a bit larger than the regular M8. Perhaps HTC is planning to announce the red M8 and the One M8 Ace at the same time? We’ll be here to let you know.
source: @evleaks
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