Sunday, March 23, 2014


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Would you pay $32 for LG's new smart bulb that connects with Android and iOs

LG has introduced its line of smart bulbs. Surely Thomas Edison could never have conceived of anything like this. These low wattage bulbs can last for as long as 10 years. Consider that an LG smart bulb screwed into a lamp today could provide light until the unveiling of the Apple iPhone 16. These bulbs also can work with devices running iOS 6 and higher, and Android 4.3 and higher, to remotely turn the lights in your house on and off. This way, when you're on vacation, you can make it appear as though someone is still home.

A "party mode" allows you to use your iOS or Android device to have the bulbs flash in different colors in time to any music that is playing. That feature is available right now only to those sporting a device powered by Android 4.3 or higher. Another feature allows the bulbs to flash whenever your smartphone rings.

LG is planning on releasing the bulbs in South Korea over the next few days, priced at 35,000 won ($32 USD). No word yet on when, or if, the smart bulbs will be coming to the states.
فيما يخصّ بالمصابيح الذكيّة فأن شركة Philips لها خبرة كبيرة في هذا المجال ولكن LG تريد المنافسة أيضا حيث كشفت اليوم الشركة عن Smart Lamp وهي مصابيح بقوة 10 واط بتقنية LED وهي متوافقة تماما مع نظام iOS والأندرويد حيث يمكنك التحكم بمستويات الأضاءة كذلك الأضاءة يمكنها أن تخبرك ما أذا كان هنالك من يتصل بك أو أذا قمت بوضع تنبيه للساعة أو لربما في نظام الأمني ويمكنها الأقتران بجهازك من خلال تقنية البلوتوث أو من خلال تقنية الوايرلس.هذا المصباح لن يكون رخيص الثمن حيث سيكلفك 32 دولار أمريكي

LG's new smart bulb lasts up to 10 years and works with iOS and Android devices
source: LG (translated) via GSMArena, AndroidCentral

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