Telegram now has 35 million users and has carried 8 billion messages in the last 30 days
Messaging app Telegram has been adding new members left and right ever since WhatsApp received that $19 billion bid from Facebook. The app now has 35 million members who are active monthly users. 15 million active members are using Telegram daily, and over the last 30 days, the app has received 8 billion messages.
That is a huge increase in usage for Telegram. Back in October, the app had 100,000 active daily members which is an incredible 14,900% increase in only 5 months. Besides catching some of the spotlight of the WhatsApp deal, Telegram also took advantage of the glitch that caused WhatsApp to go down last month. Telegram tweeted that it was signing up new members that day, at a rate of 100 a second! In that same tweet, the company said that with all of that activity, it was having a hard time holding on to its connections in Europe.
Telegram allows you to have group chats with up to 200 members, and you can even share up to 1GB in video. And with Secret Chats, a message uses end-to end encryption so that only the sender and the recipient can read it. No record of the message is kept on Telegram's servers and both sides can destroy the message so that there is no record that a Secret Chat was ever sent.
With no ads or subscription fees, you can see why Telegram is rapidly growing. You can find the app in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
That is a huge increase in usage for Telegram. Back in October, the app had 100,000 active daily members which is an incredible 14,900% increase in only 5 months. Besides catching some of the spotlight of the WhatsApp deal, Telegram also took advantage of the glitch that caused WhatsApp to go down last month. Telegram tweeted that it was signing up new members that day, at a rate of 100 a second! In that same tweet, the company said that with all of that activity, it was having a hard time holding on to its connections in Europe.
Telegram allows you to have group chats with up to 200 members, and you can even share up to 1GB in video. And with Secret Chats, a message uses end-to end encryption so that only the sender and the recipient can read it. No record of the message is kept on Telegram's servers and both sides can destroy the message so that there is no record that a Secret Chat was ever sent.
With no ads or subscription fees, you can see why Telegram is rapidly growing. You can find the app in the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
تطبيق المراسلة الروسي الذي ذاع صيته مؤخراً Telegram اعلن عن وصول عدد مستخدميه الى 35 مليون مستخدم نشط وبحسب المسؤولين عن التطبيق فإن مايقارب 50% من هذا العدد يمثلون المستخدمين النشيطين الذي يستخدمون التطبيق بشكل يومي .. من ناحية أخرى بلغ عدد الرسائل المستلمة خلال آخر 30 يوم 8 مليار رساله وهذا الرقم يمثل قفزه هائله للتطبيق حيث كان عدد الرسائل المستلمة في اكتوبر الماضي 100 الف رساله يومياً فقط إلا ان التطبيق حصل على زخم هائل خلال الأشهر الاخيره وخصوصا بعد انتقال ملكية واتساب إلى فيسبوك حيث دارت معركة طاحنة بين المواقع والمحللين بسبب الخصوصية والأمان إستفاد منها تيلغرام بطريقة أو بأخرى فضلاً عن التعطل الشهير لسيرفرات واتساب قبل أسابيع مما ساهم أيضاً في إنتقال ملائيين المستخدمين للتطبيق الروسي ولو على سبيل التجربة .

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