Monday, March 14, 2016

 Spotlight: there's (almost) no text that Universal Copy for Android won't let you copy

Spotlight: there's (almost) no text that Universal Copy for Android won't let you copy

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For all its robustness and feature richness, Android (and iOS, frankly) is full of little things that just don't work as seamlessly as you expect them to. And more often than not, these things get in the way of an otherwise leisury user experience and end up quite frustrating. Here's a common case – say you're trying to copy and paste a piece of text or other content from some application, but you can't because the app won't let you do that for some reason. And you won't go on busting your fingers retyping all that information, will you now? It's 2016, it has to be better than that!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

 11 weird and unusual Nokia phone designs

11 weird and unusual Nokia phone designs

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The days when Nokia ruled the smartphone and mobile phone markets are long gone - we all know that. The Finnish company sold off its Devices and Services unit to Microsoft this year, so it’s no longer a phone maker. Still, we mustn’t forget all the great phones that Nokia released throughout the years. Right now, though, we’ll present you some of the company’s weirdest phone designs (which may, or may not have been great). 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

 T-Mobile customers can get compatible version of the Nokia Lumia 1520 from third party seller

T-Mobile customers can get compatible version of the Nokia Lumia 1520 from third party seller

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If you're a T-Mobile customer seeking a Windows Phone flavored handset from the carrier, your choices are rather limited. There is the T-Mobile version of the most popular Windows Phone model, the Nokia Lumia 521. Or you could go upscale with the Nokia Lumia 925. But if you want something like the Nokia Lumia 1520 to use on your T-Mobile account, you're out of luck. Or are you?

Sunday, April 20, 2014

 Check the weather using  Windows Phone 8.1

Check the weather using Windows Phone 8.1

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Somewhat similar to the HTC Hub, the new Clock Hub app in the Windows Phone Store can be pinned to a Live Tile in Windows Phone 8.1. Not only will it give you the correct time, the app also brings you the latest weather information from your current location. And if you don't care what it is like outside, or you're stuck inside all day, you have the option of removing the weather from the screen. Another option allows you to use 24 hour military time, if you so desire.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

You can teach Windows Phone 8.1 to cuss

You can teach Windows Phone 8.1 to cuss

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We've all had the same problem at one point or another. You are trying to send a message to a friend, and rather than what you had intended to say, your text ends up being autocorrected to something like, "That is some bull shot. He should be run out of town for the ducking shirt he did." Obviously, this is not the intended message, and it loses its meaning when you autocorrect the swear words.